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wiki/Andrew_Gray_(physicist) Andrew Gray (physicist) - Wikipedia 306 1%
wiki/Harold_A._Wilson_(physicist) Harold A. Wilson (physicist) - Wikipedia 289 1%
wiki/Harry_Potter Harry Potter - Wikipedia 288 1%
wiki/Philip_Dee Philip Dee - Wikipedia 246 1%
wiki/Vulnerable_species Vulnerable species - Wikipedia 235 1%
wiki/The_New_York_Times The New York Times - Wikipedia 230 1%
wiki/ISBN ISBN - Wikipedia 218 1%
wiki/Jimmy_Wales Jimmy Wales - Wikipedia 207 1%
wiki/John_Tyler John Tyler - Wikipedia 207 1%
wiki/Endangered_species Endangered species - Wikipedia 206 1%
wiki/Wikipedia:News Wikipedia:News - Wikipedia 205 1%
wiki/Voyager_1 Voyager 1 - Wikipedia 202 1%
wiki/Wikipedia:The_Wikipedia_Adventure Wikipedia:The Wikipedia Adventure - ... 198 1%
wiki/ISSN ISSN - Wikipedia 197 1%
wiki/Joseph_Stalin Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia 195 1%
wiki/Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine Russian invasion of Ukraine - Wikipedia 192 1%
wiki/James_VI_and_I James VI and I - Wikipedia 188 1%
wiki/Category:Professorships_in_physics Category:Professorships in physics - ... 185 1%
wiki/Category:1727_establishments_in_... Category:1727 establishments in Scotland ... 185 1%
wiki/Talk:Professor_of_Natural_... Talk:Professor of Natural Philosophy (... 183 1%
wiki/June_25 June 25 - Wikipedia 179 1%
wiki/1844 1844 - Wikipedia 174 1%
wiki/Vladimir_Lenin Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia 173 1%
wiki/Wikipedia:Featured_articles Wikipedia:Featured articles - Wikipedia 172 1%
wiki/Wikipedia:Protection_policy Wikipedia:Protection policy - Wikipedia 171 1%
wiki/1907 1907 - Wikipedia 161 1%
wiki/Help:Contents Help:Contents - Wikipedia 160 1%
wiki/Taylor_Wily Taylor Wily - Wikipedia 146 1%
wiki/Portal:Current_events Portal:Current events - Wikipedia 131 1%