
Showing page report for: Torture - Wikipedia
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Page Duplicate Content
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wiki/Jodie_Devos Jodie Devos - Wikipedia 252 3%
wiki/The_New_York_Times The New York Times - Wikipedia 199 2%
wiki/Category:Good_articles Category:Good articles - Wikipedia 198 2%
wiki/Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosopher's_... Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ... 191 2%
wiki/Cassini–Huygens Cassini–Huygens - Wikipedia 178 2%
wiki/Lord_Kelvin Lord Kelvin - Wikipedia 175 2%
wiki/Rings_of_Saturn Rings of Saturn - Wikipedia 172 2%
wiki/Kelvin Kelvin - Wikipedia 162 2%
wiki/Wikipedia:Copyrights Wikipedia:Copyrights - Wikipedia 160 2%
wiki/Belfast Belfast - Wikipedia 160 2%
wiki/Ice_hockey Ice hockey - Wikipedia 160 2%
wiki/Grand_Duchess_Maria_Nikolaevna_of_... Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia ... 159 2%
wiki/Epimetheus_(moon) Epimetheus (moon) - Wikipedia 158 2%
wiki/Bibcode Bibcode - Wikipedia 156 2%