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ebooks/59 (http) Discourse on the Method of Rightly ... 8
ebooks/1656 (http) Apology by Plato | Project Gutenberg 10
ebooks/1635 (http) Ion by Plato | Project Gutenberg 8
ebooks/4363 (http) Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich ... 10
ebooks/4280 (http) The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel ... 10
ebooks/5827 (http) The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand ... 10
ebooks/61 (http) The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and ... 9
ebooks/34901 (http) On Liberty by John Stuart Mill | Project ... 10
ebooks/1497 (http) The Republic by Plato | Project ... 11
ebooks/4705 (http) A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume ... 8
ebooks/9662 (http) An Enquiry Concerning Human ... 9
ebooks/7370 (http) Second Treatise of Government by John ... 11
ebooks/1998 (http) Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All ... 11
ebooks/6762 (http) Politics: A Treatise on Government by ... 9
ebooks/1642 (http) Euthyphro by Plato | Project Gutenberg 9
ebooks/3800 (http) Ethics by Benedictus de Spinoza | ... 8
ebooks/5740 (http) Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig ... 10
ebooks/1726 (http) Theaetetus by Plato | Project Gutenberg 9
ebooks/8438 (http) The Ethics of Aristotle by Aristotle | ... 11
ebooks/1232 (http) The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli | ... 12
ebooks/bookshelf/ Bookshelf | Project Gutenberg 100